Consulting and Engineering Services for the Cement Industry
Consulting and Engineering Services for the Cement Industry
Safety - Zero Tolerance!
Protection and integrity of employees and installations in a cement plant has highest
priority above all else. The main fields are:
Occupational Health
Fire Protection
In this regard we work e.g. on the following topics:
• Organization of occupational health and safety and fire protection
• Safety manual, safety rules, safety procedures, risk assessment
• First Aid, response plan, incident management
• Safety awareness, instruction for safe behaviour
• Housekeeping
• Personal Safety Equipment
• Company medical service
• Ergonomics in the workplace, noise, dust, heat, cold, vibrations
• Working with hazardous substances, REACH
• Fire protection plan, fire prevention, fire fighting
• Contingency plan, disaster management
Environmental Protection - Commitment for Society
Nowadays, the impact of cement production on nature, environment and habitats
can be kept very small and in some cases it can even lead to a positive ecobalance,
e.g. with the rehabilitation of mined-out quarry sites or with the energetic utilization
of large volumes of waste.
We offer services e.g. for the following topics:
• Emission protection and pollution control
• Emission limits control, abatement of emissions of dust, NOx,
SO2, CO2, CO, TOC, dioxins and furans, PCB, PAH and others
• Abatement of NOx: SNCR, SCR
• Noise, Dust, Vibration (e.g. blasting vibrations)
• Treatment of nature, environment and landscape
• CO2 management: emission trading, CO2 emission, monitoring, reporting,
• Sustainability of cement production, consumption of resources
(raw materials, energy, water, …)
• Impact of cement production on the subjects of protection:
man, wildlife, flora, habitats, soil, water, atmosphere / climate, landscape,
real and cultural assets